Are you looking for a personalised Care Package? RCS is a care provider for Adults with learning disabilities.

Our services

Supported Living

What is Supported living? Supported living refers to schemes that provide personal care to people as part of the support they need to live in their own homes. The personal care is provided under a separate contractual arrangement to that of the persons housing needs.

Supported living but providing person-centred support could include community inclusion, personal care, domestic tasks, helping with medication, managing finances, support service 24/7, helping with day time activities/employment or voluntary work.

Domiciliary Care

What is Domiciliary Care? This is where we can put a range of services in place to support an individual in their own home.

This could be help with preparing food, general housekeeping, bathing and personal care, medication administration, dressing/undressing, shopping, using the toilet, brushing hair and lots more.

“One person caring about another represents life’s greatest value.”


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